I haven't updated by blog for days, so i need to catch up.
Last week, we spent our weekend at Punta Fuego (courtesy of my sister-in-law). The place was nice, but as expected, we did not get inside the room where we're staying easily. We had a long drive going to the place, and when we arrived there, we had to wait for the room to be ready. When we went swimming, I saw the happiness in Zoe's eyes, and that made me forgot the earlier hassles. The experience at Punta Fuego was fun and luxurious. For more of the pics, you can visit my multiply.
Earlier today, we went to Makati for the IDP exhibition. Since the event is free, I grabbed the opportunity. There were a number of Australian schools in the exhibit including the University of Melbourne, Monash University, and University of Newcastle. I enjoyed the seminar and the exhibit. I just wish one of these schools would give me a scholarship.
Also today, we bought Barbie dolls for Zoe. She's a big fan of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses". Since my husband is so in to buying one of the 12 princesses' dolls, I eventually gave in to the idea. Even though Zoe was sleepy when we went to the Barbie shop, we still saw her excitement upon having her new dolls. We bought the box which contains Hadley and Isla, because they have the spinning effects. I'm just wondering, are we spoiling our daughter? Maybe, but there's nothing compared to seeing those twinkling eyes of Zoe when she's delighted with a thing. I'll just try to convince my hubby not to buy another Barbie in the next few months.